What To Expect At The Burning Bride Retreat 2024

Come join us at 17806 Oak Hollow Rd Friday and Saturday for a retreat that you won't forget. We are in expectancy for God's Glory to be displayed in us and through us the guest speakers and psalmist the Lord has hand selected.

Get ready as we come to pour out oil, fire and beauty on the alter before the KING as his beloved burning bride. This retreat promises to be unforgettable, with deep worship, intercession, prophetic teachings and more...

Don't miss out on this unique experience! Grab your sister's in Christ and mark your calendars for The Burning Bride.

For more inquiries email theburningbride@yahoo.com see you there!






Cynthia Rose is a passionate lover of Jesus. She is the co-founder of Adullam International Ministries, where she serves alongside her husband, Erich Rose. Cynthia Rose was ordained into the five-fold ministry under Apostle Wayland Henderson, founder of The Gathering Kingdom Center in Dallas, Texas. She has served as a Celebrate Recovery leader and Women’s Ministry leader at Escondido Christian Center. 

She is the author of her riveting testimony entitled "Love Lifted Me." She is also a certified faith-based clinical counselor under the International Institute of Faith-Based Counseling in Beaumont, Texas. 

Together, she and her husband Erich now serve their community and region as revivalists and host prayer and worship gatherings in their home. They have over 20 years of ministerial experience in the areas of deliverance, prophetic teaching, counseling, and discipleship.

Cynthia lives in San Diego County, and she and her husband have a beautiful family of eight children and two grandchildren.

Monica is known for her passionate love for God and His people. She serves in ministry alongside her husband, Ivan Perez, in the vibrant city of Oceanside, California. As a co-founder of New Generation Movement, she embodies a heart dedicated to connecting and rekindling people's relationship back to God. God uses her in this capacity through an array of spiritual gifts.

Whether Monica is ministering in a church setting, engaging with the community outside the four walls of the church, or even reaching out in drive-through encounters (brief but powerful God-appointed meetings), Monica's ultimate desire is to bring glory to God in all she does. Monica fervently desires for individuals to know God and to experience His transformative power in their lives.

Pam York was supernaturally delivered from Multiple Sclerosis In 1989. This put the fear of God into her soul and brought her into an intimate journey with her Savior, Jesus Christ, to discover Ephesians 3:16–19. With her father in prison all her life, she didn’t know what love truly was.

The burning love of her Heavenly Father began to expose the deep corridors of her soul, where she was incredibly bound. After going through a journey of deliverance and deep inner healing, she was opened up to a whole new realm of freedom.

The Lord invited her into ministry in 2014 for His purpose of setting the captives free, according to Isaiah 61:1. Pam began ministering to people in her living room and has partnered with the Holy Spirit in setting hundreds of men, women, and children free from every type of bondage. In 2022, the Lord called Pam out of her position on a church staff, and she stepped out in faith and into full time ministry in her home.

Pam has a heart that burns for the nations. She is a Missions Pastor with Freedom Crusades under Apostle Jason Cattel from Beaumont, Texas.

Pam lives in Texas and has a beautiful family, which includes four adult children and seven grandchildren,  with one grandchild on the way due October 2024. She loves the Lord and follows the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit. She lives to please an audience of One!